How do our prices compare to others?

It is extremely difficult to compare the price of a Canalside share with the supermarket, since no supermarket sells what we offer: freshly harvested, locally grown, organic, seasonal vegetables and fruit. Even the limited range of certified organic vegetables in a supermarket is unlikely to have been grown nearby, and you have no idea when it was picked; you certainly can’t visit the farms where it was produced or see the methods being used, or the conditions of the farm workers.

With that in mind, we nonetheless do try to collect some price comparison data, and this shows us that Canalside offers far better value for money than the supermarkets. Like-for-like in the high summer (July, August and September) can cost almost twice as much from a supermarket, and all the way through the year you make savings compared with buying from supermarkets.

Updated 20th February 2018, re-checked 1st May 2020

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